GoGo Heel QUICK TIPS®: Next Best Thing to a Shoe Repair Shop

QUICK TIPS Heel Caps - Quick Fix for Worn Out Heel Tips

  • $7.99/pair
  • Available in 3 Sizes & 2 Colors (Black, Taupe)
  • Whether there’s no shoe repair shop nearby or you just need a fast fix, QUICK TIPS® Heel Caps repair worn down heel tips instantly without any tools or glue. QUICK TIPS® uses a specially-formulated self-fusing band to attach the cap over your worn heel tip. This band only sticks to itself, so it never leaves behind any residue on your shoe.

    With the number of shoe repair shops dwindling in the US, QUICK TIPS® heel caps are helping women restore their shoes by providing a quick, easy, and economical solution to worn-out heel tips.

    GoGo Heel: